Leading the way for Tasmanians
We have a series of policies that outline our position on key Tasmanian mobility issues.
They are based on evidence, experience and the priorities of our members and the broader Tasmanian Community.
We use them to create change and help make sure Tasmanians can move around our state in a safe, affordable, sustainable and efficient way.
Below is a snapshot of each of our policies with the full versions available for those interested enough to dig deeper!
Representing Tasmanian motorists
- Our policy on representing Tasmanian motorists
Our policies on road safety
- Safe Roads
- Safe Vehicles
- Safe Speeds
- Safe Road Users
- Heavy Vehicles
Our policies on future mobility
- Low and Zero Emission Mobility
- Emerging Mobility Technologies
Our policies on sustainability
- Active Transport
- Public Transport
- Fuel
- Land Use Planning and Mobility