Dark grey card driving on a tree-lined road
Tips & tricks

Misunderstood road rules

We recently gave people the chance to test their knowledge on Tasmania's most misunderstood road rules.

True to their confusing nature, many of the responses showed there are three important rules that still give drivers grief. Let's dive into the rule for each of these. 

1. Single solid lines

Drivers can cross single solid lines to enter or leave a road. This could be into another street or property, like a house or shop. It's also okay to cross a single or double solid line to allow the required room to overtake a cyclist, if safe to do so. 

When passing a cyclist however, drivers must keep 1.5 metres away from the rider in speed zones higher than 60km/h, or at least 1 metre in speed zones 60km/h or lower. 

2. Indicating on a roundabout

Half of the responders to the road rules quiz either indicate incorrectly or don't believe they need to indicate at all. Indicating on a roundabout can cause some confusion, so let's go through the rule:

  • Like exiting any street, drivers must indicate left when leaving a roundabout, if practical to do so. 

  • You don't have to indicate when approaching a roundabout if you're going straight ahead, but you need to indicate when exiting. 

  • Drivers approaching a roundabout must indicate if turning left or right, or when making a U-turn at the roundabout, then indicate left to exit.

  • When entering a roundabout, drivers must slow or stop to give way to any vehicle already on the roundabout.

3. Indicating when reversing out of a parking space

Many people don't realise that indicating out of parking spaces is a rule that needs to be followed, while other drivers may get confused with which direction they should indicate. 

Our road rules state that the drivers have to indicate when exiting a parking spot on the side of the road, and it's no different to reversing out of a car space.

Likewise, the rules state that when reversing out of a parking space, you must indicate the direction your car is turning out of the space. A good rule of thumb is if you're turning your steering wheel to the right, indicate right.