Advocating change

Your vote can help create a safer generation of drivers

Did you know, on average around 300 people are seriously injured or killed on Tasmania’s roads each year, including 67 young people? This grim statistic hasn't seen improvement, highlighting an urgent need for action. 

In Tasmania, the call to improve road safety outcomes, especially among young drivers, has never been more critical. With the upcoming election, RACT is leading the charge with a nation-leading proposal to develop and deliver a comprehensive road safety education into secondary schools. This initiative aims to engrain a culture of safety and responsibility in young drivers, addressing the alarming statistics of road trauma involving youth in Tasmania.  

Generational change 

Learning from the success of swimming programs in schools, we're determined to bring about generational change on our roads. Our comprehensive safety program aims to equip young Tasmanians with the knowledge and skills to be safer on the road, fostering a culture of responsible driving from a young age.  

We envision a well-funded, universally accessible program, ensuring every young driver in Tasmania has the opportunity to learn and grow into a safe road user.  

How it’ll be paid for 

RACT’s initiative asks the next Tasmanian Government to invest $8M over five years. If we do nothing, the tragic reality is fatalities and serious injuries will continue to climb. 

Likewise, if no action is taken, the economic and social impact will continue to cost the state $38M each and every year. (BITRE Social Cost of Road Crashes).  

We believe this program could easily be funded from fine revenue from Tasmania’s new road safety camera network, creating a sustainable funding cycle. This revenue, reinvested into educating our youth about safe driving practices, enhances the overall impact of our road safety efforts, making Tasmania’s roads safer for everyone. 

A call to action 

With the Tasmanian election to be held on 23 March, we’re urging all political parties and candidates to recognise the significance of this policy.  

Over the coming five years 40,000 young Tasmanians are expected to gain their licence, so now is the time for strategic investment in their safety and wellbeing. Supporting this initiative means paving the way for a future where road safety is prioritised, and we can usher in generational change that we believe will save countless lives.  

The road ahead 

This initiative represents a crucial step towards achieving that goal, and RACT is dedicated to seeing it through with the support of the next Tasmanian Government. 

Now’s the time to ask your local candidate whether they support driving down the level of road trauma on Tasmania’s roads by investing in real action. 

For more information on our initiative, head to Driving for life: Creating a safer generation of drivers.