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Combatting Tasmania's car theft surge

With a rise in reports of car theft across the state, we're urging Tasmanians to take action to protect their vehicles.

As Tasmanians, we pride ourselves on our sense of community and safety. Unfortunately, recent statistics show we’re facing a concerning rise in car thefts. We’re committed to empowering our community with the knowledge and tools to face this challenge head-on. 

In the past year, we’ve witnessed an unsettling increase in car theft claims among our members, with numbers soaring by over 50% since the 2022 financial year. This surge is more than a statistic—it's a wake-up call for all of us to act responsibly and proactively in protecting our assets. 

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that in 2022, 1501 Tasmanians were victims of motor vehicle theft, marking a significant rise of 25% from the previous year. These figures represent the highest since 2011. 

Tasmania Police note that a significant portion of these thefts, about 43%, occurred in places we perceive as safe—our driveways, carports, and garages. The majority of stolen vehicles do find their way back home, but the emotional and financial toll on victims cannot be underestimated. 

While it might be obvious to some, a recent RACT survey shows a worrying trend that nearly one in five Tasmanians admit to leaving their cars unlocked when parked at home. 

To reduce the risk, follow these easy steps: 

  • Never leave a spare key on your wheel or under your car. 

  • Keep your car keys out of sight and away from doors and windows at home. 

  • Always lock your car when you exit. 

  • Close all your car windows securely. 

  • Avoid leaving valuables in plain sight. 

  • Ensure your garage doors and windows are secure. 

  • Activate alarms and anti-theft devices. 

  • Consider using a steering wheel lock, especially for older cars. 

  • Think about investing in a vehicle tracking device to aid in locating your vehicle if stolen. 

By implementing these measures, you could save yourself the inconvenience, financial loss, and emotional distress of being a victim of a motor vehicle theft – and hopefully we can collectively curb the rise in car thefts in Tasmania. 

Before buying insurance issued by RACT Insurance Pty Ltd (ABN 96 068 167 804, AFS licence 229 076) you should read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which you can find along with the Target Market Determination (TMD) at is subject to the policy terms.