It's NOT ok branding on Metro bus
Advocating change

We support Metro's 'It's NOT okay' campaign

Published | 17 July 2023

We welcome Metro Tasmania and the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) joint campaign ‘It’s NOT ok’ to take a stand on anti-social behaviour on Metro buses.  

Our Chief Advocacy Officer, Garry Bailey said the campaign has a simple message which is worth supporting, that being It’s NOT ok to behave badly on Metro buses, in Metro shops, online and in the wider community. 

“Public transport is just that, transport for members of the public and so anti-social behaviour such as abuse and assaults of bus drivers, passengers or anything associated with transporting the public is an abuse of this principal,” Mr Bailey said.  

“All members of the community are entitled to travel unhindered on public transport and the people who drive the buses are simply doing their job and that is moving people from point A to point B. 

“We are lucky enough to have a cheap and accessible public transport system, let us not see it spoilt by a small minority and tell them it is NOT ok to be anti-social on the bus system.”