car driving on bushy highway
Tips & tricks

Stay alive - avoid the Fatal Five

Driving on Tasmania's roads can be a beautiful and relaxing experience. However, it's important to remember that it can also be deadly.

The "Fatal Five" are the five most common causes of serious crashes on Tasmania's roads. Being aware of these risks and taking steps to avoid them can help keep you and your loved ones safe.


Exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for the conditions greatly increases your risk of being involved in a serious crash. You can be safer on the road by obeying posted speed limits, reducing speed in adverse weather conditions, and avoiding the temptation to speed. Plan your trip in advance so you allow yourself plenty of time to reach your destination safely. 


Driving when tired can impair your judgment and reaction time, making it more likely to make a mistake or be involved in a crash. To avoid fatigue, plan rest stops during long journeys, avoid driving during regular sleep hours, and take regular breaks to stretch and walk around. 


Anything that takes your attention away from driving, such as texting, talking on the phone, or adjusting the radio, can be dangerous. To avoid distractions, put your phone away while driving, set up your GPS before starting your journey, and focus on the road ahead. 

Alcohol & Drugs 

Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal and greatly increases your risk of being involved in a crash. To avoid this risk, never drink and drive, plan alternative transportation options, and always be aware of the effects of any prescription medication you may be taking. 


Seatbelts save lives and reduce the severity of injuries in the event of a crash. To ensure your safety, always wear your seatbelt when driving or riding in a vehicle.  

By being aware of the Fatal Five and taking steps to avoid them, Tasmanians can significantly reduce their risk of being involved in a serious crash. Always remember to drive within the speed limit, take regular breaks to avoid fatigue, avoid distractions while driving, never drink and drive, and wear a seatbelt at all times. Let's work together to keep Tasmania's roads safe for everyone.