Mum and daughter getting out of the car outside their home
Tips & tricks

5 tips for family travel

Travelling as a family in the car can be a fantastic opportunity to connect. But whether you're heading off on a long road trip, or just ducking out to the shops, it always pays to think ahead. Here are a few of our top tips to make your family travel enjoyable.

Pack snacks

Many parents will know that snacks can be a helpful tool in navigating through almost any problem. Healthy, non-perishable snacks, like muesli bars or dried fruit can easily be stored in the car and pulled out for 'snack emergencies' while running daily errands.

If you're heading off on a road trip, consider packing a variety of snacks which are easy to eat on the go, like veggie sticks, apples, nuts or rice crackers. Packing your own snacks is also a great way to save money.

Play car games like 'I Spy'

Playing ‘I Spy’ helps to keep children engaged with their surroundings and distract them from asking the age old question, 'are we there yet?’ We've made a printable version of the game for you to download below and included a link to more family car games as well.

If you're on a longer trip, give your children key land marks to look out for along the way, like the Ross BridgeOatlands windmill or Campbell Town playground.

Stop often

When planning a road trip, factor in plenty of breaks to stretch your legs. It's recommended that you drive no more than eight hours in a day and for every two hours driving take a fifteen minute rest break. 

Let your children plan a pit-stop ahead of time. This will help them feel like they had an important role to play in planning the trip and give them something to look forward to.

Keep your car stocked for emergencies

Unfortunate accidents and disasters can happen anywhere - even in the car. Keeping a packet of tissues or wet wipes handy can get you out of sticky situations on the go. It's also a good idea to keep a small first aid kit in the car with essentials like disinfectant and band aids. If your journey is likely to involve winding or bumpy roads, include some disposable sick bags too.

Choose an audiobook

If you have older children or teenagers in the car, choose an audiobook to listen to that you can all enjoy. Not only will this keep everyone entertained, but it will help to avoid disagreements over which radio station you listen to.