Kathy Stocks
Our community

Spotlight on Kathy Stocks

Meet Kathy Stocks, the heart and soul of RACT for 30 years.

Kathy started at an integral time for us in 1985, just as we moved into insurance in partnership with NRMA. Through her time, she embodied what an RACT employee should be, bringing her caring nature and member focus to everything she did.

We've always been a shoulder to lean on for the Tasmanian community, with Kathy stating just how important our organisation was to the community and to staff.

“Staff had great pride in wearing their uniform,” Kathy says. “They would often come back from lunch and couldn’t believe the types of questions people would stop them in the street and ask. Now you would Google to try to find the answer; then you asked RACT.”

Starting as a cashier and going on to become Southern Branch Manager, Kathy remembers just how diverse the role was, from selling travel packages one minute, to answering insurance enquiries the next. As staff bounced from member to member handling all sorts of different RACT products, they needed to rely on each other a lot, helping form close bonds between them. Kathy says she still catches up regularly with past colleagues.

Over time we recognised that the public’s growing thirst for knowledge was an opportunity to seek a proactive approach to community engagement. As a result, Kathy was appointed the new Community and Education Manager, her wealth of knowledge, kindness and approachable nature making her the perfect choice. It was through Kathy’s efforts that our community programs were born.

Kathy’s role didn’t just stop with education, but also involved seeking sponsorship opportunities and passing on the community’s road safety concerns for advocacy.

Kathy’s 30 years of service and her commitment to the Tasmanian community is faultless. Over the years Kathy has been a shining example of what an RACT employee should be: helpful, a go-to for advice and a tremendous community representative. Kathy Stocks set the standard, and her work laid the foundation for much of what we do today.

You can read Kathy's full story and view the video here.